
This blog has been transferred!

Hello guys:). I've transferred this blog to 52brian.com( a brain science community). Unfortunately, contents from now on will be only written in English.

See you there:).

If gfw in China unblocks Google Blogger, I'd be back.


Robot suit-one form of cyborg

Robot suit is a suit with mechanical devices which can assist people's daily work especially for the disabled.

Person who devotes himself to the industry of robot suit should has a deep understanding of electrical engineering and automation(电气工程与自动化)as opposed to electrical and information engineering(电子信息工程)which mainly focuses computer hardware. The latter could build nano scale robots(with automation tech) called Nano-Electromechanical System, NEMS, 纳机电系统).

One commercialized product of robot suit is called "Hybrid Assistive Limb"(HAL). It has 3 forms - the upper part(the body), the lower part(the leg), and the whole body. Different form could be used for specific purposes like weight carrying and walk assistance.

If the price could be lowered, HAL and robot suit will be popular like today's computer. I guess it needs 20-30 years for this day to come.

Narco Analysis, Compusense and BPS certification

1.Narco Analysis
In criminal psychology, these exists one area which uses so-called truth drug to elicit true answer from criminals. And administration of such drugs are called narco analysis( narco analysis method of interrogation, in chinese it's called"
. For more info, go to wikipedia.

2.Compusense sense labratory solution
According to one job description at 51job, Compusense is a commercial software needed while establishing labratories of taste. In google scholar, I've found no psychological researcher with compusense specialty. Interesting.

3.BPS certification
British Psychological Society may be as large as the renowned American Psychological Association. It has a variety of certifications of psychological assessments(level A, level B).Among psychological best practices, SHL specialises psychological assessment. In fact, SHL is a UK-based company. So this fact tells me that if you want to join SHL, you must first get certification from BPS. It's the same to engineering psychology and user centered design. Human Factors International(HFI) is a best practice in this field and it business is mainly focused on certification and training.


Google's Adsense and Psycholinguistics

Adsense is one of google's profitable tools. Its tech is based on Applied Semantics acquired(Chinese:收购) by Google in 2003. Applied Semantics uses a tech called CIRCA(patented information maybe seen at here and here). In its tech's introduction, it tells it's based on Cognitive Psychologist George Miller's Wordnet. This person may be called the founder or key role in modern cognitive perspective to human psy. His main contribution is in language and semantics(psycholinguistics, which uses cognitive perspective to study language).
Today, Wordnet has been used widely in Natural Language Processing(NLP). Other important resources for NLP(English) maybe British National Corpus. As for Chinese, it's Penn Treebank Project. Tks for Alex00zee at douban for directions.

This phenomenon is very surprising cauz google's horizon on science from several cutting edge and well flourished scientific disciplines. Why not to study the spread of science and decide your next M&A(merge and acquisition, in fact large companies often buys tech advanced small companies to keep their competence)?

Next phase, I will cover human 2.0 and one of google's geek ambition: technology singularity, transhumanism.

Indeed, with NBIC convergence and neuroengineering(neuroinformatics), I feel I've become a transhumanist. Maybe one day I'll join transhumanism.org.


Long time no see friends:)

I'm coming back. Currently I've proposed a neuroengineering salon in Shanghai. Welcome to join.

Today we'll talked about two areas:
1.Psychoacoustic modeling:
Google.org.cn (in Chinese) has reported that some employees of G thought it was useful to let browser understand user's request verbally. So they used a technique called psychoacoustic modeling. It reminded me the important field of sensory psychology. Excluding vision science, there exists such scientific area which models acoustic phenomena. It's very exciting!!

2.Psychological Assessment Best Practice:
In business domain, a best practice may be refered to Fortune 500. And what dominates their personnel recruiting process is a service based on psychological testing. I've found some top consulting MNC(multinational company) and investment bank using performence test offered by a company called SHL. Interestingly, its scientific board director is former chair of one committee of British Psychological Society(BPS).
Mckinsey also uses top educational testing service called "Mckinsey Caselets" offered by ETS which creats God Red English(GRE, graduate record examination).It's interesting since I've never realised the popularity and high end application of psychological testing and assessment among top companies.


Robot solves puzzles with Nokia N95 camera


Robot solves puzzles with Nokia N95 camera.

Seems very interesting.



About vocal DOD tech:A summary

Vocal DOD tech means using vocal analyser to analyse psychological factors of sound including tone, loudness, musical quality.

According to wiki, vocal analyser DOD tech is named "Voice Stress Analysis" or specifically "Layered Voice Test"(also from wiki). It is mainly used in airports and some insurance companies to detect lying. However, Deception blog has lots of articles indicating it doesn't work.

Unfortunately, I haven't found any other test equipments so famous like polygraph to analyse sound's psychfactor and detect lies. But we do see Lock("Lie to Me") used unfamiliar device to decompose subject's voice. What's that? I guess it won't be voice stress analysis software "X13-VSA".

Anyway, consulting expert might be a better choice. I've found one in Chine. Her name is Cuiling Zhang and her book(in Chinese) has lots of details of vocal lie detection esp. in Chapter 2.


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