


据2月13日的《科学》杂志报道说,对大约14个月的宝宝做手指指点及其它的手势会对他们几年后词汇的发展有帮助。这些发现提示了对某些现象的部分解释,即为什么来自较低社会经济层次的孩子比那些来自较高社会经济层次的孩子的词汇量要小。先前的研究表明,这一差别与家长如何同孩子交谈有关。现在,Meredith Rowe 与Susan Goldin-Meadow 显示了家长们对其孩子所作的手势看来也对孩子的词汇发展有影响。研究人员对14个月大的来自不同社会经济阶层的孩子做了录像,并纪录了在家长与孩子们互动时的词汇和手势。此后,当孩子4岁半大的时候,研究人员对这些孩子的词汇技能进行了评估。其结果表明,来自较高社会经济层次的孩子在4岁半时具有较大的词汇量,这一事实至少可以通过这些孩子在14个月时所做的手势而得到部分的解释,而这又可以回溯到这些孩子在14个月时他们的家长所做的手势。文章的作者提出,手势是孩子们早期发育的一种技能,其时间在孩子们的词汇技能差异变得明显之前。如果进一步的研究可以显示增加手势应用会使得儿童在早期就能增加其词汇量,那么手势将是进行人为干预的一个良好的目标。

Differences in Early Gesture Explain SES Disparities in Child Vocabulary Size at School Entry
M. L. Rowe, and S. Goldin-Meadow (13 February 2009)

Science 323 (5916), 951-953. [DOI: 10.1126/science.1167025]

Children from low–socioeconomic status (SES) families, on average, arrive at school with smaller vocabularies than children from high-SES families. In an effort to identify precursors to, and possible remedies for, this inequality, we videotaped 50 children from families with a range of different SES interacting with parents at 14 months and assessed their vocabulary skills at 54 months. We found that children from high-SES families frequently used gesture to communicate at 14 months, a relation that was explained by parent gesture use (with speech controlled). In turn, the fact that children from high-SES families have large vocabularies at 54 months was explained by children's gesture use at 14 months. Thus, differences in early gesture help to explain the disparities in vocabulary that children bring with them to school.





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