

howstaffworks.com is a world leading DIY website. It can be frequently seen in douban as website recommendations.

Its chinese version (science.bowenwang.com.cn) offers a lot about advanced techs. Recently I saw two of them related to Brain Science.

One talks about nano machine by Jonathan Strickland. As in everyday experience, robots have some human like functions such as manufacturing, moving. So it has already been used at least in auto manufacture industry. Nano robot uses nano tech to produce robot that can reproduce itself using resources from the enviroment, like virus, and can move or repair some microstructures in human body, like cell. Most importantly, it can also be navigated/controlled using tracking tech like MRI outside human body.

However, what kind of material this little robot is made of is still unknown as I know. Possibly it is made by nano silicon tech or synthetic biology tech. Both have the chance to revolutionize what we call human. If you have played game Metal Gear Solid(TM) 4, you will see nano robots' function. In it, soldiers are controlled by it and become emotional modifiable, cognitive enchanced, and psychotelepathy among a group of soldiers because of communication ablity between nano robots.

Another article talks about computer vision. Here I will not cover the details because I don't know much about it. This tech may be useful in neuroscience/psychology simulation. Computerized human sense is the next frontier in computational neuroscience. Today's neurosciences related to cognitive function, and those done by neuroscientists, mostly cover topics like vision, memory. In engineering, those field will soon become computer X like topics.


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