
Barack Obama and Psychology

Honestly speaking Obama is a president full of different working styles when compared to former US presidents (at least I think so).

One I believe is his choice of psychology application to a lately established(? see below) government section called Consumer Financial Protection Agency( CFPA) to help US recover from 2009 great depression. Insterestingly I've not found it at US gov website. However, US Chamber of Commerce has established a website to tell mass "STOP the CFPA".

Whatever, this department has an origin deeply rooted in psychology with Nobel Laureate Kahneman's research at the intersection between psychology and economics. It's called behavioral economics in economics or decision making in experimental psychology. And thanks to Kahneman's collaborator Sunstein, a law professor once in Chicago with B. Obama, this field has been introduced to US government.

Further information could be read at websites listed below:
  1. http://www.douban.com/subject/3541320/ (the book "Nudge")
  2. http://www.douban.com/subject/4022709/ (the book "Nudge" Chinese)
  3. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124545477468032915.html(WSJ)
  4. http://chn.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2009/06/24/20090624000030.html (Chinese introduction)


Cold spring harbour asia conference center


Cold Spring Harbor Asia conferences will be held at Suzhou Dushu Lake Conference Center in Suzhou, China, sixty miles west of Shanghai and in easy reach of international and domestic airports. Suzhou is an ancient city known as the Venice of China, famous for its canals and private gardens and home to scholars for more than two millenia. Symposia, conferences and summer schools follow the Cold Spring Harbor tradition in showcasing merit-based scientific advances in an informal but intense atmosphere.

To encourage participation by significant international participation from throughout Asia, Europe and the Americas, the language of all programs will be English.


And this place intends to cooperate with Shanghai neuroscience insitute, Chinese academy of sciences according to MumingPU at here(Chinese)


What's Neurotech?

I created this blog about 1 year ago, and today it's almost one year(01/31/09-01/23/10, GMT+8). Cauz this anniversary, I've recently read about IC(Intelligence Community)'s report on neurotech from emerging cognitive neuroscience(uploaded in Google group) and will tell readers briefly what neurotech will cover according to it.

The report offered a complete framework on cognitive neuroscience fields including:

-Detection of deception tech with the help of neuroimaging

-Neuroimaging systems with real time brain activity measurement and implications for coaching and mind control esp. for military purpose

-Neuropsychopharmacology and nanobiomedicine tech to develop enhancers like cognitive, affective and sensory

-Computational biological models and artificial intelligence which work hard to replicate "mind" outside human body

-Distributed human machine system
-Brain computer interface
-Cyborg which means part of human body (usually motor system) is replaced by machine
-Cognitive Cyborg which means part of human advanced brain function is replaced
-Intelligent robot assistant

And within those tech, drug enhancers and distributed human machine system are predicted to be closest to reality and maybe societal change.



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