



但是这次是以严谨的peer review刊物来的,或许对我们有借鉴意义吧。


Behavioral science and the Law


Tools for noninvasive stimulation of the brain, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), have provided new insights in the study of brain-behavior relationships due to their ability to directly alter cortical activity. In particular, TMS and tDCS have proven to be useful tools for establishing causal relationships between behavioral and brain imaging measures. As such, there has been interest in whether these tools may represent novel technologies for deception detection by altering a person's ability to engage brain networks involved in conscious deceit. Investigation of deceptive behavior using noninvasive brain stimulation is at an early stage. Here we review the existing literature on the application of noninvasive brain stimulation in the study of deception. Whether such approaches could be usefully applied to the detection of deception by altering a person's ability to engage brain networks involved in conscious deceit remains to be validated. Ethical and legal consequences of the development of such a technology are discussed.

Behavioral Sciences & the Law
Volume 27 Issue 2, Pages 191 - 208

Special Issue: The Neuroscience and Psychology of Moral Decision Making and the Law

Published Online: 5 Mar 2009

Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Bruce Luber, Ph.D. *, Carl Fisher, B.S., Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D.§, Marcus Ploesser, M.D.§, Sarah H. Lisanby, M.D.§

email: Bruce Luber (luberbr@pi.cpmc.columbia.edu)

*Correspondence to Bruce Luber, Division of Brain Stimulation and Therapeutic Modulation, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons/New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 21, New York, NY 10032, U.S.A.
Division of Brain Stimulation and Modulation, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York State Psychiatric Institute.
Psychiatry, Law and Ethics, New York State Psychiatric Institute.
§Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Funded by:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)



Zack Lynch关于神经技术的书出版了


"When I started reading this book, I thought Lynch's observations were rather hyperbolic. By the time I finished the book, I was stunned to realize that his points are not only rational but of urgent importance. Avoid reading this book at your peril."

- Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Inc.,
also known as the "Father of the Internet"

The Neuro Revolution
How Brain Science Is Changing Our World

Published by St. Martin's Press

History has already progressed through an agricultural revolution, an industrial revolution, and an information revolution. THE NEURO REVOLUTION: How Brain Science Is Changing Our World (St. Martin's Press) by Zack Lynch foretells a fast approaching fourth epoch that will yet again transform how humans live, work and play. Neurotechnology-new tools for both understanding and influencing our brains including brain imaging-is now being applied not only to breakthrough medicine but to almost every aspect of human endeavor, from financial markets to law enforcement to politics to advertising and marketing, artistic expression, warfare, and even to religious belief.

TNR CoverBy telling us the stories behind the brilliant people leading this worldwide revolution, taking us into their laboratories, boardrooms and courtrooms, Zack Lynch illuminates a unique, insider's glimpse into the startling future now arriving at our doorstep. The insights and revelations within THE NEURO REVOLUTION will foster wonder, debate, and in some cases consternation. Above all, though, they need to be understood by those who will be most affected-all of us.

THE NEURO REVOLUTION is the first book to provide a comprehensive view of the impact brain science will have on law, marketing, financial markets, education, national defense, religion, investing, healthcare, government and entertainment. Moreover, the book describes a new tool through which to view the future, Time's Telescope, which draws upon the history of technological revolutions to project into our common future.


ZACK LYNCH is the founder and executive director of the Neurotechnology Industry Organization, a global trade association representing companies involved in neuroscience, brain research centers and patient advocacy groups. He is also the co-founder of NeuroInsights, the world's leading market research firm covering the neurotechnology industry.

Please visit The Neuro Revolution website for more advance praise, information on book tour, or to purchase the book. To interview the author please contact Nadea Mina, Publicist, 646-307-5573, Nadea.Mina@StMartins.com.

The Neuro Revolution
How Brain Science is Changing Our World
By Zack Lynch with Byron Laursen
Publication Date: July 19, 2009
St. Martin's Press // Trade Hardcover
0-312-37862-9 // $25.99 // 256 pages


Brain stimulation combined brain imaging

Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Volume 13, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 319-327

Concurrent brain-stimulation and neuroimaging for studies of cognition

Neuroimaging can address activity across the entire brain in relation to cognition, but is typically correlative rather than causal. Brain stimulation can target a local brain area causally, but without revealing the entire network affected. Combining brain stimulation with concurrent neuroimaging allows a new causal approach to how interplay between extended networks of brain regions can support cognition. Brain stimulation does not affect only the targeted local region but also activity in remote interconnected regions. These remote effects depend on cognitive factors (e.g. task-condition), revealing dynamic changes in interplay between brain areas. We illustrate this with examples from top-down modulation of visual cortex, response-competition, inter-hemispheric rivalry and motor tasks; but the new approach should be applicable to many domains of cognition.

Article Outline

Introduction: causal roles for specific brain regions within extended networks in support of cognition
Concurrent TMS–fMRI reveals remote effects of brain stimulation
Concurrent TMS–EEG also reveals remote effects of brain stimulation
State-dependence of remote effects in concurrent TMS–EEG
State-dependence of remote effects in concurrent TMS–fMRI
Concluding remarks



(Real time fMRI maybe necessary to understand this.)

Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9, 720-729 (September 2008) | doi:10.1038/nrn2414

Opinion: Applications of real-time fMRI

A Robot That's Learning to Smile

via MIT technology review editor's blog

The UCSD robot watches itself to learn how to pull new facial expressions.
By Kristina Grifantini
Courtesy of UCSD

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), who demoed a realistic-looking robot Einstein at the TED Conference last February, have now gone a step farther, infusing the robot with the ability to improve its own expressions through learning.

Previously, the head of the robot--designed by Hanson Robotics--could only respond to the people around it using a variety of preprogrammed expressions. With 31 motors and a realistic skinlike material called Frubber, the head delighted and surprised TED conference goers last winter.

Inspired by how babies babble to learn words and expressions, the UCSD researchers have now given the Einstein-bot its own learning ability. Instead of being preprogrammed to make certain facial expressions, the UCSD robot experiments in front of a mirror, gradually learning how its motors control its facial expressions. In this way, it learns to re-create particular expressions. The group presented its paper last month at the 2009 IEEE Conference on Development and Learning.

According to a press release from the university,

Once the robot learned the relationship between facial expressions and the muscle movements required to make them, the robot learned to make facial expressions it had never encountered.

Such an expressive robot could be useful as an assistant or teacher, or just as a means of learning more about how humans develop expressions. But a robot that watches itself in a mirror, practicing and improving how it looks, seems like another step into uncanny valley.




东京大学教授RyoheiKanzaki研究虫 脑30年,现在是昆虫-机械混合体领域的先锋人物。他的终极目标是理解人脑并重建因伤病而损害的连接,为此先仔细研究了神经元较少的虫脑。经过百万年的进 化,虫脑可控制复杂的动作,比如在飞行中捕食一只甲虫。RyoheiKanzaki希望能人工重现虫脑。他说,如果能用电路重现虫脑,那么就可以通过调节 大脑回路去控制一只真脑。


按:脑机接口的技术看来有两类:一类是人的脑机接口(主要通过ERP、NIRS等技术)。这种技术通常都只能用在残障人士、玩游戏、意念控制家电上。还有一类是动物脑机接口,似乎这类比上一类更有应用前景,因为昆虫、老鼠等可以到达人类到达不了的区域。MIT技术评论曾把这类技术评为2009年十大技术(insect-machine hybrids)。










Zack Lynch的博客播出了由他参与的认知增强药物电视辩论,主题是这种药物是否合法?



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