


据美国《国家科学院院刊》网络版3月26日报道,过去的研究已发现,一种称为DARPP-32的脑部蛋白质在毒品成瘾过程中起关键作用。经过特别设 计的RNA链可以干扰相关基因,阻止该蛋白质分泌,因此有助于治疗毒瘾,但是缺乏安全有效的方法来将RNA链运送到所需要的部位。





PNAS,doi: 10.1073/pnas.0901715106 ,Adela C. Bonoiu,Paras N. Prasad

Nanotechnology approach for drug addiction therapy: Gene silencing using delivery of gold nanorod-siRNA nanoplex in dopaminergic neurons

Adela C. Bonoiua,1, Supriya D. Mahajanb,1, Hong Dinga, Indrajit Roya, Ken-Tye Yonga, Rajiv Kumara, Rui Hua, Earl J. Bergeya, Stanley A. Schwartzb and Paras N. Prasada,2

aInstitute for Lasers Photonics and Biophotonics, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260; and
bDepartment of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, The State University of New York, Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, NY 14203

Drug abuse is a worldwide health concern in which addiction involves activation of the dopaminergic signaling pathway in the brain. Here, we introduce a nanotechnology approach that utilizes gold nanorod-DARPP-32 siRNA complexes (nanoplexes) that target this dopaminergic signaling pathway in the brain. The shift in the localized longitudinal plasmon resonance peak of gold nanorods (GNRs) was used to show their interaction with siRNA. Plasmonic enhanced dark field imaging was used to visualize the uptake of these nanoplexes in dopaminergic neurons in vitro. Gene silencing of the nanoplexes in these cells was evidenced by the reduction in the expression of key proteins (DARPP-32, ERK, and PP-1) belonging to this pathway, with no observed cytotoxicity. Moreover, these nanoplexes were shown to transmigrate across an in vitro model of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Therefore, these nanoplexes appear to be suited for brain-specific delivery of appropriate siRNA for therapy of drug addiction and other brain diseases.



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