看了看他的博客,发现了一篇有趣的研究,发表在《消费者研究》(Journal of Consumer Research)杂志上。
最近一篇我以为详细论述了这种类型认知的论文是08年《心理学年鉴》上的《扎根认知》(Grounded Cognition)。想必会越来越深入才对。
Grounded Cognition
Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322; email: barsalou@emory.edu
Grounded cognition rejects traditional views that cognition is computation on amodal symbols in a modular system, independent of the brain's modal systems for perception, action, and introspection. Instead, grounded cognition proposes that modal simulations, bodily states, and situated action underlie cognition. Accumulating behavioral and neural evidence supporting this view is reviewed from research on perception, memory, knowledge, language, thought, social cognition, and development. Theories of grounded cognition are also reviewed, as are origins of the area and common misperceptions of it. Theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues are raised whose future treatment is likely to affect the growth and impact of grounded cognition.